Notice Your Breath

Breath is one of the main principles of Pilates.  It is connected to every moment and every exercise of the method.  We cue it constantly in class, “Inhale lift your arms, exhale roll up…” and remind you to keep breathing through hard exercises.   Lately I’ve been curious how this mindfulness of breathing follows us outside the studio and into our other activities.    

I’ve been thinking about this lately when pursuing activities that are bit out of my physical comfort level.    When I find myself getting nervous or anxious during an activity, whether it’s skiing, biking etc, I notice my breathing shortens, or stops, and that I can’t connect as easily to my body anymore.   Once I focus back on my breath it’s amazing how much more I can sense my body, and better control my movements, which is what Pilates is all about!      The breath can be our direct link to help us feel and control our bodies moving through space.   Can we use our breath to feel our feet underneath us as we ski down a hill?  Can we use it to create a sense of ease in the hip joint as we pedal a bike?  Can it help us relax our shoulders? Find a longer stride, better balance, or more grace in our movement?  If we intentionally connect back to our breath during movement how does that change our awareness of the body and it’s performance?  

Think about this the next time you're in a Pilates class, outside enjoying your favorite activity, or working at your desk!  What do you notice about your own breath patterns? Challenge yourself to more intentional breathing throughout your day and notice how you feel!

Happy breathing! 

Pilates Durango